Thursday, January 14, 2010

Time of (Game) Day?

Considering we are going to have to work out in the morning for sectionals, I'm going to transition my wods to the mornings and my skill/CFE wods to the evening. I also figure I'm not going to be able to eat pre-wod so testing my body out on the coffee only thing.


1000m row 3:38.2

Cleans 185
Ring dips

I'm going to start recording my wods as I'll probably be doing many of them alone and I can watch where and how bad my form gets and exactly when the wheels fall off.

15-12-9 Cleans and dips from Rudy Tapalla on Vimeo.

The warm-up wrecked me. It wasn't even that fast but I really felt my hammies and lower back from "Diane" yesterday. Waited about 10-15 minutes to once again talk myself into doing this wod. This one I knew I'd finish but had no idea how long it would take. It's funny the first set of cleans felt good but form is definitely lacking. I need to maintain my back angle up top. It really helped in my 9 set to start looking up on the horizon to bring my chest up.

I'm having a hard time with both the endurance wods and these heavy wods. I have no idea how hard or how much I could push it. Today all I know is my back was fatigued and pretty much hurting from the end of the 15 set. I didn't fail any reps, so I'm going to assume I could have hit that a bit harder, but my back did not want me to get back under that bar. I even sat for a second to think about how much my back hurt.

Now what to do this evening. Originally I wanted to do "Angie" but not sure on that one just yet. I'll update this later tonight.

Angie 22:50

Decided to do it. It wasn't good. If I did this one "for time" then I'd definitely game it. 10 Pull ups at a time, 10 push ups at a time. I don't really do sit ups, Legs started cramping in my VMO (again! That was the same place me legs cramped when I ran! Gotta figure out what's going on with that) after 25 squats. It made the end of that wod very interesting.


  1. i feel better in morning wods actually, but i think its a good idea too do the wods based on when the event is taking place gets your body acclimated If you need an early morning partner i wouldn't mind hoping in one day a week.

  2. Thanks for mentioning the morning wod thing - i hadn't given the times of the workouts much thought but that may be a challenge for me so i will start switching it up some too. also, thanks for posting the vid - it's helpful for me to see the oly lifts over and over again so i can focus on what you're doing versus what i'm doing. Good shit!

  3. Remember this is inefficient form. There's good hip extension and no early arm bend, however the bar path is not good as well as the back angle.

  4. Just checked my Last Angie time 27:14 5Jan09
