Monday, November 4, 2013

Day 1

3/4 Burrito@Chipotle some guac
1/4 Burrito & some chips 2g fish oil 1vitD and DailyV
2mag 2 zinc
1/2 Chipotle bowl some guac
2g fish oil
Kale Salad and Paleo stix
2g fish oil
mag and zinc

Weighed in 184, biosig 15.4% highest raise at the hammies, took pics... yikes.
Legs super sore. Just some movements today. Ski erg 500, 1pd 10kb snatch per arm rest 1:15-1:00
Worked all 4 breathing a little and rolling.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


UHB Squat 5x5 @295
video'ed it to compare to the 3x5@295 I did about two months ago. The difference is pretty shocking.

Worked up through a power snatch.
Blew out my tricep at 225. Ouch! What a set back.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


1pm@ Atlas CF
UHB Squat 5x5@290
Been using knees sleeves prior to pre-heat the knees. It's definitely helping out a bit.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


UHB 5x5@285
Working sets felt good minus an audible pop on rep 3 of set 2. Scared me for a hot second.

Working and post feel great but day-afters are really making me reconsider the volume. I will make it at least to 305 and see where we go from there.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


3pm @ CFC
UHB squats 5x5@280
Once again didn't feel great coming into it but things felt much better after the first set. 

7pm@ CFC
Muscle snatch up to 155 trying to see how my knees were feeling and warming up.
with wraps chained:
Power snatch 4x@185, 3x195, 3x195, 3x195 actually felt pretty decent.

Wanted to work on some "prison rules" clean and jerks at 225 but just uncomfortable in the wrist and leg power starting to fatigue. Need to revisit and work on this. Probably should work at about 135 and work my way back on up.

15 muscle ups for time: 5:45
Wanted to work on chaining them together 5,4,2,1,1,1,1
Sad to know that first 9 were done at the 1 minute marker. Man, I feel heavy. I like the weight but have to get better at the high skill stuff at this weight. 

Post the only thing that felt awful was my elbows. Must... slowly... build...tolerance. 

Monday, February 11, 2013



Didn't have time for much but need to start getting more KB volume work in.
5x10 per arm KB snatch at 20kgs. Looking forward to squats tomorrow!!!

Sunday, February 10, 2013



UHB squats 5x5@275

Felt really tired and a bit beat up going into it but actually pretty good at the first set. Lifted roughly on every 3rd minute. I think 3 minutes rest is going to be good to go with the heavier weights. Pretty happy with the speed and sync of these much better than the speed when I did the 270 on last squat set.

Saturday, February 9, 2013



7min AMRAP
3 Muscle ups

5+1 MU

Muscle ups all singles to save some shoulder strength. Definitely a little harder than expected.

Friday, February 8, 2013



UHB Squat 5x5 270

Knees and some leg soreness coming into this one. 4/5th reps slowing a little but still relatively quick. Not quite at a point where I have to pause and breathe between reps but we are getting close.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013



UHB squat 5x5@265

So funny had a bonus warm up set as I thought I split my pants... luckily it was only my boxers. Note to self. No squatting in boxers.

Back was a little sore from the deads yesterday coming into it. Some real achy soreness in the right side back afterwards. Yesterday was also the first day I missed my supplements/fish oil. Coincidence?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


@700pm CFC
Deadlift (conventional)
8x1 EMOM @425

75 HSPUs Strict for time 10:57
EMOM 10,10,10,10,5,5,5,5,4, then broken all over the place to close out.
Triceps smoked!

Monday, February 4, 2013


@CFC 8:15pm
UHB squats 5x5@260

After cutting the rest time slightly shorter on Saturday I think it maybe the way to go. Starting sets on every 2nd minute. Also, a ton easier to track time and sets.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


@1230 CFC L1 Trainer's Workout
15min to establish 1RM OHS
Cramped pretty bad in my right oblique on the 275. Felt a ton more solid on the 285 probably because the jerk was a bit easier. I guess I should test this again in the near future. 20lb PR from about 1 year ago.

Didn't really want to full squat but wanted to get something Amanda'esque in so did,
3 Rounds for time of:
5 Power snatch @185
5 Seated L-sit muscle ups

Need to get a little more metcon in. Breathing feels horrible.
Both calves started to cramp up really bad about 30 min afterwards.

Saturday, February 2, 2013



UHB Squat 5x5@255 
In a rush to get to the trainers workout so slightly under 2 minutes rest per set. Definitely not enough warm up reps. 

Then a portion of the trainers WOD.
3 Rounds for time of:
5 Wall walks
10 Deadlifts 225
50 Doubel unders

Thursday, January 31, 2013


30Jan13 730@CFC
Legs are starting to pick up a little more size.
Too many sore parts and couldn't get energy together.
Tried to snatch... wasn't prepared for that. Boxer issues.
Tried some snatch grip push press and some push press. Both bothered my wrist.
Energy just wasn't coming around. I really think those pause squats beat the shit out of me.
Bench press 5x5@225
Thinking about load linear the same way my squats are being loaded.
Was going to row for 20min but same boxer issues so rowed a low slow 500m. Way too much adjusting.
Ab mat sit ups 1x25

31Jan13 715@CFC
UHB squats 5x5@250
Came into it with tender abs and a pretty beat up upper back. Actually wanted to do more but had to coach class and individuals.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


@CFC 7pm
UHB Squats 5x5@245

3s Pause squats 3x5@225
These were a bit tougher than expected. Need to start building a tolerance for them.

Was going to snatch from the blocks, not for optimal positioning, just a little sore so didn't want to pull from the ground. Tried to set up on plates, didn't work out so well. Set up the blocks then got tied up with consults.

5x2 strict L-sit pull ups

Monday, January 28, 2013



EMOM6 1 power clean, 1 hang clean @225
Worked on wide grip and maintaining hook on the bar. Wrist held up well.

Snatch grip deadlift 3x3@315

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Olympic Total 230/288! Haven’t done much overhead and a bit too much benching so planned to only power snatch today. Tight shoulders suck. Snatch 205/215/230 Even though I planned to power snatch 230lbs decided otherwise and it rode me down to a full snatch. Tied a PR snatch but would have been a huge PR if I caught it power.

Clean and jerk 270/288f/288 Running out of juice early so did very little warm up. Cleaned 135×3, 185, 225, and didn’t jerk. Been since July that I’ve jerked so decided to save that for the platform. None of the jerks were good but they happened. 288 was actually almost a 7lb PR. I thought my PR was 286 but it was actually 281.6 (128kgs).

27Jan13@CFC 3pm
UHB squat 5x5@235
Back soreness as well as odd pains in my ankle from yesterday's meet so not much accessory work I wanted to do.
DB curls 3x10@30
JM press 3x8 superset w/
Curls EZ bar 3x8@EZw/50

Friday, January 25, 2013


@CFC 820pm
Waited way too long in the evening to get this one in.
5x5@230 (+1 bonus round)
Lost count of what set I was on but considering I waited 10 minutes after my warm up sets to start (chatting training with Alex) it probably was needed.
Really feel the need to get some reverse hypers in and some LB work but have the oly meet tomorrow so passed on it.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


@CFC 7pm

Ultra-high bar back squat 5x5@225

14" box squat w cambered bar
tapped out at bar+390, form was a little shifty but still decent
In BSC full tights, briefs, and belt

Monday, January 21, 2013


Overslept this AM and no energy throughout the day

8pm @CFC
Ultra-high bar squat 5x5@220

Was hoping to have more energy after doing this... nope. Didn't happen.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


19Jan13 @810CF Lunchtime
Ultra-high bar 5x5@215
12min AMRAP of Deadhang Cindy
7 Rounds even
pull ups faded about the sametime as push ups... maybe mental.

20Jan13 @810CF Lunchtime
Clean 225,255,275,280,285
(275 was very far in the toes, 280 felt good, 285 caught a little too soft and felt slightly in the wrist as it got a little in-front of me)
First time cleaning heavy since Oct at the Jon North Seminar (went to about 245/255 before I let one slide into my wrist)... before that would be the "Schools" Throwdown where I made 265 then missed an attempt at 295. It's been awhile.

Snatch grip DL 275,315,345,375
(with straps, upper back felt good...lost it in the lower back)

Good day overall except a couple of hours later it looks as though I busted some blood vessels in my hand. Hopefully it was just from the straps.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


@330 CFC
Ultra-high bar back squats 5x5@210
HSn 95,125,155 Shoulders felt tight and called it
Bench 5x5@225
Single arm press 3x10@55
Single arms curls 3x10@30 (had to break up last set on right)
DB JM press 3x8@35
A1 Ez Curl 3x12@ez+30
A2 Band pull aparts 3x30@red
50 push ups 3:10ish
6x50 double unders (only notables 2 sets unbroken, one on last set)

Came in to today feeling a bit sore but everything felt much better when I finally got moving. Abs are completely destroyed from a mere 35 TTBs. So sad. 
Shoulders felt really tight in bottom of the snatch. Need to aggressively work at shoulder mobility.
A bit of asymmetry going on right is weaker bicep, left is weaker shoulder, although right has some grinding going on in the OH position, left tricep is weaker.
Last is finally found that just counting my jumps in the double-unders keeps my rhythm pretty steady. Need a ton more work on them though.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


230pm CFC
Ultra-high bar back squats 5x5@205
14" box squats in briefs 315x2, 365x2, 395x2, 405x2
Wasn't expecting to go this high but everything felt good. Still felt like I had more but shut it down.
Some yoke walks at 340. Couldn't walk with 520. Need to work on that. 

Worked on keeping shoulders back in semi sumo deadlift. Definitely far from wide sumo but what my mobility will allow. Heels about start of knurling toes to ring. Worked seated 16" and sitting back with 225 have no ability to do it conventional without starting shoulders ahead. In sumo worked 275, then no seat with 315, 365, 405.

Position is getting there but tons of work to do. 

645pm CFC
Kelly easily talked me into doing a metcon with her. Needed to work some conditioning as well as how miserable I am at toe-to-bars so it was definitely convenient. Thought about doing 5 rounds, 7TTB, 10 burpees. I was a little worried about 50 burpees taking it's toll on me. Kelly talked me out of it and had me do 7 and 7 so that I could keep on moving. Greatly took the suggestion as I don't want to be destroyed tomorrow's for bench. 

5RFT: 7 TTB, & 7 burpees = 5:07
Brutal on how much I suck at TTBs. Obliques started to cramp up pretty bad in the 4th round. Need to be a little more aggressive on core work as well as grip strength.

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Woke up with the worst pain in my neck. Couldn't turn right at all. Really bad nerve pain for 3x days. Yesterday it was only the morning and today I have 70% ROM back no nerve pain so squatted a little

13Jan13 @CFC 1:45pm
Post Chad Vaughn Seminar
High bar back squats 5x5@185
Nothing sexy just wanted to move and make sure I didn't aggravate my neck. Done.

Monday, January 7, 2013


Offered up to do a workout with Ben figuring he'd never say yes... of course he said yes.
@CFC 2pm
3 Rounds:
10 OHS@135
50 Double unders

Had a little 3 minute intermission in between to give a tour but still sucked more than it should have. Ben was more than willing to help the guy out but considering it was his first of the New Year. I stopped my workout. Man do I suck at double-unders. I guess that's what happens when you stop doing them.

Really wanted to do this workout in class so came back at it later at 5pm
1 power clean, 1 hang power clean EMOM12
Started to hold the hook grip for both lifts starting the 5th set. So glad no wrist pain.

Was really apprehensive on this as it's really the first time that I've cleaned any kind of real weight since Oct. at the Jon North Seminar. Wrist is all good! It has been bad since June/July... hoped it would get better and kept testing and irritating it. In Sept/Oct gave in and seen Dr. Paul for some ART. It helped but nothing helped more than just not doing the things that irritated it, clean and front squat.

Had Abi do my powerlifiting programming to keep me focused off of it for a while and viola! Many many many months later all good. Hopefully stays good. Ok, off tangent.

Didn't want to abandon class so went with a weight to get a complete different stimulus.
3 Rounds:
10 OHS@95
30 Double unders

I really wanted to do more double unders but went with the advised scale. Good mod to feel what the workout was supposed to feel like. We'll see how baked I am tomorrow.

Up way too late spent about 1+ hour on reading the current state of the CrossFit Nation via FB.

Sunday, January 6, 2013


@CFC 6pm

14" Box squats 3x3@315
Back was sore coming into it so just belted up.

Metcon modified with Alex and Kurt.
5 Rounds for time of:
5 TTBs (was supposed to be 10)
10 PSn@75
10 Wallball
Back was definitely tired coming into it so the power snatch took it's toll, but mainly just mentally weak. Probably should have called it at 3 rounds which was about 5:30.

Bench 8x2@255

Friday, January 4, 2013


@CFC 5pm
Deadlifts 8x2@405
Filmed all of these as I wanted to see my shoulder position. It was bad.

I've never really analyzed my own deadlift as I've never really focused on it, I guess I should have. I have the tendency to pull myself out of position or pull slack out. I have no idea what I need to do but I need to learn to keep shoulders over and behind the bar. I don't know if it's just a matter of sinking the hips lower and keeping them there or if it's a mobility issue. Just another something to work on. Last 4 sets narrowed up my stance.

After instead of accessory work, I jumped in to class.

Thruster 245#. Had more in me but both obliques cramped up. Called it a day.

5 Rounds (every 4 minutes)
200m Row, 10 CTB pull ups, 10 HSPUs

Messed up and actually thought this one was 4 rounds. Whoops. Pressed the gas a little too hard on #4. Grip was the biggest issue but had strength issues in the last set of HSPUs. Did 3-2 then a bunch of singles...even missed one. That sucks. First time in a class in really really long time. Fun.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Power Snatch
Probably should have gotten so greedy on the 220 but the 195 felt pretty easy. Pretty pumped about that. 220 bar was getting high enough just weight was riding me down and couldn't stabilize it.

After was going to do 175x7 but banged my "ouch" bone so hard on the third rep I quit. Also, my hook grip is super deconditioned!

Front squat
205 3x5
Once again just starting with a weight I can do for 5 straight without debilitating myself for my next workout. Building volume.

Bench Press for reps
165x20, 165x12

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

My goal is to get some kind of squatting in every other day. To set myself up for success I created some space in our basement for my home gym. Don't worry we aren't horders. The majority of that stuff is the landlords.

Weighed in 175.2
12/29 broke in the cave space at 11pm:
Squat 3x5@125kgs
Felt way heavier than it should have but it is what it is.
Bench 3x5@105kgs

Squat PL Camber Bar+140# 3×5
Camber Bar+90# 5×10 (wide stance box squat to 16″)
Single arm DB press 40# 5×10
Walked the yoke+180# 50′x2

Today feeling a little more sore than expected so took the day off and spent some time at home with the fam. Hopefully will rest up to get at it tomorrow. Weighed in today at 181.2 I guess I'm finally gaining my normal bodyweight back and have also been on creatine for the last 8 days. Having a hard time deciding if I want to do The Cube. My goal is not to only powerlift, but to be stronger and do things I enjoy like CF, Olylifting...

Happy New Year!