Tuesday, January 12, 2010

More Benchmarks

I was expecting a ton more of soreness in my quads from "Karen". So, "Diane" was on the plate today. I thought it was funny that this is what was on Freddy's page too. I did read that he, on advice of Khalipa, is adding a 1000m row and 50 GHD and 50 back extensions to every warm up. I'll have to ease into that one but hopefully will be comfortable with that eventually. I started today with 15 CTB pull ups. Rhythm felt horrible, trying to hit a bit higher on chest to reduce the over pull one the CTBs. I might just have to stick with the belly-to-bar pull ups to cycle through faster.


1000m Row 3:36.9


Not sure what I was expecting but wanted to find out where I stand on this one. Here are my notes from the last time that I did it.

16Dec08 10:36 Man do I miss the comfort of an abmat. My last time 26Aug was 5:09 and I was excitied about doing 15 Dls straight. This time:
HSPU: 13,4,4/3,3,3,2,1,1,1,1/1,1,2,2,1,1,1
I don’t think I really needed to break up the deadlifts, but wasn’t too motivated to get back to the handstands. Didn’t count any faders even if they got locked out. There was one in the 9set that I probably should have counted but didn’t.

This time around:
DLs: 21/8,5,2/9
HSPU: 15,?/5,?/2,2,2,3

Deadlifts felt good. Handstand felt good in the 21 set but faded quick towards the end of the 15 set. In the 9 set I realized that the narrow hand space I use fatigues my triceps way too much and a wide hand placement works much better. Used it in the last 2,3 in the 9 set.

For some reason I wasn't too happy with this wod and continued to work on skills.

1x15 CTB the normal way
Jerks 185x5 (jerks felt great and easy, couldn't stand to receive the bar)
Tried 185 a couple more times and can't bear to drop it on my shoulders. I'm not sure if it's the wide grip that Coach Burgener put me in or what. Backed it down to 155 and still couldn't receive the bar. Unfortunately, I know if it came up in a wod it will be faster for me to not "rack" the bar and just hold it in my hands.

There has to be something wrong with just my mindset because I can do it with 135 for 10. Gotta keep working on these! and power clean/snatch and chaining more pull ups. I think I may bump it up to 20 pull ups after tomorrow. I think my body may need a active rest/skill day I might go with a CFE wod and 250 double-unders for time. Looking at my blog, I've noticed that I've slacked on the CFE wods just because my metcon has gotten a little better. Time to get back on it!!! No slacking....until after Sectionals, damn those donuts smelled really really good when I was getting coffee.

That reminds me too. Mandie did spaghetti squash again this evening and it was much better, a little more bland and not so sweet. I'm going to have to ask Erin O' if it's just luck of the draw?


  1. Rudy,
    If you're not a fan of spaghetti squash, look into getting a spiral vegetable slicer. Donna and I just recently got one and we LOVE it. You can make spaghetti out of lots of other vegetables. Zucchini works best as a pasta substitute in dishes.


  2. And a vid of how it works.
    The guys is a little crazy so skip to about 6 min in to see it in action.

