Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Coaches coach

Ahh! Drugged myself up with some Benedryl last night and slept for 9 straight hours! That was awesome. Today I got to work with Roger Nielson in Buffalo Grove. Two hours of olympic lifting work. Not that I don't love you guys/gals but it was awesome to not to think about anything but ME and have a coach only working with 2 of us on form. I highly suggest if you get a chance to work out with these guys.

Worked on some snatch position work. Then kept on add more on. Worked up to 77.5 kilos. Tried 80 a couple of times but couldn't tie everything together.

Things for me to concentrate on weight over the bar in the set up. Don't go so slow through the bottom. Use elbows to turn over snatch. Lock out quick and hard.

We did a little position work with the cleans then he let me load it up well. Worked with100 kilos for about 10 singles. Oh to add to the above he wants me to get my stance out wider (first time I've ever heard that one for me) quickly. Gripping the bar solidly for the jerk makes a huge difference for me. Can't forget about that. Roger worked on me a bit with my stance on the jerk loading my back leg a bit more. From the finish I should pull front foot back first then bring back forward.

Anyways tons for me to work on and I think I'm going to make it out there at least 1x a week.

Wanted to do a wod but had to take care of more work stuff and my hands hurt. I mean not like a 100 pull up hurt but like I held a scaling hot pot hurt. Still very tingly as I type.

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