Monday, January 11, 2010

Missed the mark

Warmed up with 1x15 CTB pull ups and some joint mobility work.


Sometimes we have some off days. I hit "Karen" today and pretty much got my ass handed to me. Okay, not just handed to me but smacked a little left, smacked a little right... then handed to me. I was shooting for a sub 8, not a good day. I did this 4Nov08 10:41, and 6:13 on 13Mar09 with a 12# WB (it was an interesting experiment).

Did another 1x15 set of CTB pull ups.

9pm as everyone was finally finishing their CF Total worked on cycling jerks with 135.
1x10 Couldn't do this unbroken WTF!
3x5 Really need to work on this. The jerk feels good, but cycling and receiving... not so much.
The last set I wasn't even cycling. I also tweaked my right elbow a little. I'm assuming it's receiving the bar in the wider jerk grip I've been working with but need to fix that.

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