Monday, January 4, 2010

The Champion Mindset

A couple weeks back I watched this video of one of my business mentors, Andy Petranek (Owner CrossFit Los Angeles). It's a little choppy and slow to start off but for some reason the last part really got me:

"If you are doing something that's really important to you, that you're passionate about and that you love. You owe it to yourself to go out and do it like a champion."

YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF! Not to your boyfriend/girlfriend, not your friends, not your most awesome coach in the entire world, not naming any names;) but to yourself. You can make excuses for everyone and even for a brief moment you may lie to yourself and believe it, but when you sit and blog and are alone with your thoughts, think about it. Are you giving this 100%. It's only 6 weeks that will culminate in 2 days at Sectionals. Is it so much to ask?

Don't get me wrong and take this the wrong way. Jeff Tucker has this really great saying "You are not your Fran time." Think about it and let it marinate as I go over my day.

1 set max HSPU on parallettes 8PR!

Earlier in the day my body felt a little wrecked from yesterday's workout extravaganza, but by the evening I was feeling better. I considered taking the day off for a moment, but had a good little push of motivation from Tim saying how he has checked out my blog and has seen how hard I've been training. That amped me up! Accountability to the community that reads this blog has helped me. Also, had a great chat with a very, very special member that reminded me on how important it is to stay mentally strong and persevere through times we feel weak.

Mainsite wod: 3 rds for time of:
12 muscle-ups
75 squats

6 muscle-ups in :24s 9@:59s 11@1:32s Rd1 4:39
All singles after that. Muscle-ups completed at 9:00 squats at 11:40
Last round, muscle-ups at 15:36 squats at 17:44

Came into this one all wrong. I need to consistently mentally prepare to kill a workout. Since I have not done a wod with muscle up in over 6 months, I came in defensively. I was thinking pace it. I should have analyzed it and seen upper body exhaustion to lower body exhaustion. The only time I really pushed it was the squats in the last round. Need to get mentally set every time to KILL workouts not survive them.


  1. I LOVE this video. I can think of so many times in my life when I felt defeated doing something important to me. If I had given in to that, I would have missed out on some of the most amazing victories. To me, CrossFit is ALL about pushing you further than you thought you could go. So exciting! Inspiring post, Rudy!

  2. “You win the fight in the training camp, not on the day of the fight.”

    Royce Gracie

    Great post.
