Deadlifts 8x2@405
Filmed all of these as I wanted to see my shoulder position. It was bad.
I've never really analyzed my own deadlift as I've never really focused on it, I guess I should have. I have the tendency to pull myself out of position or pull slack out. I have no idea what I need to do but I need to learn to keep shoulders over and behind the bar. I don't know if it's just a matter of sinking the hips lower and keeping them there or if it's a mobility issue. Just another something to work on. Last 4 sets narrowed up my stance.
After instead of accessory work, I jumped in to class.
Thruster 245#. Had more in me but both obliques cramped up. Called it a day.
5 Rounds (every 4 minutes)
200m Row, 10 CTB pull ups, 10 HSPUs
Messed up and actually thought this one was 4 rounds. Whoops. Pressed the gas a little too hard on #4. Grip was the biggest issue but had strength issues in the last set of HSPUs. Did 3-2 then a bunch of singles...even missed one. That sucks. First time in a class in really really long time. Fun.
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