Friday, November 4, 2011


Breakfast. Some left over ropa vieja. Not sure if it was Mandie's leftovers or if she saved it for me... but I ate it, added a side of sausage and a plantain. Threw in a banana because it looked like it needed some color.
When Mandie came to pick me up she brought me Chipotle. Steak and carnitas, lettuce, tomatoes, and guac.
Like I have told everyone fruit is like the gateway drug. Craving more sweets in the afternoon had a banana and some nuts.
So I knew in the beginning of the challenge I was going to cheat tonight. After eating I realized I could have stayed paleo... but I really didn't want to be that guy tonight and just wanted to enjoy the celebration of Randy and Alison's wedding in it's entirety. Sorry John, I ate it all bread, potatoes, mac-n-cheese, chicken florentine, 2-3 red wines, a lemon drop shot, 2 bacon gelato sticks, a cupcake...
... 2 pieces of pizza and two cokes. I think that's it. Nope I lied. Appetizers included a shrimp something or other and a pizza type thing and the table had green skittles.
I really think it's funny how when you eat all this crap it doesn't seem like much, writing it down... it seems like a ton of cheating. I'm not gonna lie, all that stuff tasted great! Made my stomach feel like sh*t but was a good time.

So happy for Randy and Alison. They are actually the first ones to meet and get married from the box. I've had quite a few experiences lately that have given me a chance to reflect on what this community is and means to me. It's a very powerful thing. I describe personal success not on how much money I make. I also don't have an ego where I need to have my name posted on everything. It also is not solely in the success of my athletes (even though that contributes a bit). I personally base my success on how many people can honestly say I changed their lives for the better. That I personally, or the CFC community, has made such a significant change in their life that they recognize it and remember and embrace it. It is what created the Mission Statement at CFC.
"To be a CATALYST to improve the quality of life."

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