Thursday, September 2, 2010

Light bulb

21-18-15-12-9-6 and 3 rep rounds of:
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds
Push jerk, 75 pounds

First round was 1:15 started to feel grip go in the end of SDHPs in the 18 set. Actually resorted to using a hook grip for a bunch. I had a long pause in after the 12 set because I wasn't sure that I finished the 12 set of jerks. I didn't erase reps at all until the jerks were done so figured I was all good. Later I realized I just lost thought as I was a little disappointed with dropping the 12 set of jerks with 2 left. LAME! Didn't feel a "burn" as much as I should have but it was a forearm burner. Also, did these as "jerks" with no presses and push press. Sat around 5 minutes trying to figure out if I lost a set somewhere.

I really don't want to sound conceded, but I rarely had "Ah-ha" moments with training movements. I've been analyzing my SDHPs and I had no idea why it gases me horribly and towards the end starts to look ugly (all lower back and arms). After questioning how Bryce does it so fast, he taught me how he does it and it feels completely different and 10x easier. This is one of those things that I get to see regularly as a coach with CrossFitters. It's where the light goes on. It's frustrating that when my light went on it was red and I felt really irritated I never explored the option of doing sumos that way. I feel ripped off!!! Almost jaded.

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