Thursday, April 15, 2010


Fell off the wagon for a little. It started off with some really bad fatigue and I tried to ignore it but it caught up with me and clubbed me in the back of the head. First time working with out my partner-in-crime Kurt so I had no eyes on so I recorded a lot.

DE Lower

Box squats
185# blue band/12" with airex
Felt good. Shin angle is getting better but need to "spread the floor better." Speed for 185# felt good. That should actually be about my 50%!

First two reps are to watch overall. Next two reps are a close up of shin angle, feet, and speed.

DEboxsquats15Apr10 from Rudy Tapalla on Vimeo.

Banded dls
225# efts grey bands
Hook grip feels horrible. I stopped that after about 4 sets. Feels better to dead belted. Belted for the last 6 sets. I definitely move better with the AJ swing. In the traditional set up I have a jerky movement that I do but planning on ditching it mainly because I move slower.

First two reps are traditional set up. Second to reps after my awesome flip cube editing are with the the AJ swing.

DEdeads15Apr10 from Rudy Tapalla on Vimeo.

A couple of other things after watching... that's Emily grunting and doing Blackjack in the background ha ha ha. And I'm not even sure I was completely locked out on that "traditional" set. I definitely wasn't on the second rep of the traditional set. Hmm I guess Aj swing it is.

Ended the night off with reverse hypers
35# 3x10


  1. how do the bands help with the lift? also the leg/foot placement and the pre-lift arm thing?

    i understand the concept of resistence, but i'm curious to understand how this works and what the benefits are

  2. Nice work my friend. If we showed my clips side by side, you would probably think mine was shot on JJ's high speed camera
