Thursday, April 22, 2010


Yes, I intentionally had my haircut to a "high and tight." I figured if I didn't like it, I could always shave off the top.

I love Thursdays! It's my sleep in day.

I got really tied up with work today and didn't eat breakfast. Finally ate about 2pm...I took on my first cheat. Bulgogi at Chicago Food Corp so here's the breakdown. 1.5 cups rice, 6-8 oz of marinated beef, 1/4 cup string bean something or other, 1/2 cup kimchi (marinated cabbage), 1/2 cucumber something or other. A miso soup and a Coke.

4oz beef
4 cups spinach
2 tbs of dressing
1.25 cups of broccoli
4 macadamia nuts
(also cheated, I had a Pepsi. It was in the fridge and it needed to be gone)

1130pm snack
1oz beef
6oz of yogurt
1/3 banana
3 macadamia nuts

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