Thursday, March 4, 2010

The next level

To get to the next level, and/or operate at an elite level you must have mentors. A mentor is more than someone that you look up or want to be like. A mentor is defined as "a trusted counselor or guide". The difference between a role model and a mentor is a mentor must accept that position to help you grow and lead you. It's not a very easy thing to ask someone to be your mentor. I have to admit I was a bit nervous. I would like to have about 5 mentors aboard this year. I chose my first mentor to ask to be Chuck Carswell.

Chuck is a great guy and a phenomenal athlete but that's not why I chose him. I was recently at the CrossFit HQ Trainer's Summit and Chuck was selected as one of the HQ Head Trainers to take us through some of the foundational movements; the air squat. I've probably given/been through the air squat hundreds of time but this time was different. I didn't feel as though I was a trainer listening to a trainer. I was involved. The presentation of it was so great, he turned me into a participant. I was captivated by his presentation of the material. Wow! This sounds so weird, but I was actually jealous on how well he did that. I WANT THAT! Chuck went on to win the trainer's vote on best Carnegie-style presentation of a reading on nothing. He's that good!

Chuck is a very gracious guy and I gave him a call today. We laid out some ground work on where to start. I'm looking forward to working under Chuck's guidance.

1 comment:

  1. inspirational post, take things too a whole....notha level coach.
