Tuesday, March 30, 2010

PR time!

ME Lower

Once again the only soreness from the DE upper day: back from SI to C-spine ouch. Hopefully this is just major weakness that I'm strengthening. Mid-workout I realized chest was slightly tender to touch.

Box squats
12" box with Airex pad

395 Box Squat from Rudy Tapalla on Vimeo.

Looking at my box squat the descent is way too slow but really having a hard time getting into the last 2" of depth in that wide stance. The worst part I need to fix is the long pause on the bottom. Well, not necessarily the pause but the release of breathe in the bottom. Instead of just releasing the hip flexors, I'm sure I lost all kinds of tension in the hamstrings.

Safety squat bar good mornings

Exhausted. Slacked on the supplemental work.

1 comment:

  1. impressive. I think that's the first time i've ever seen you scream b/c the weight was that damn heavy. This WestSide barbell stuff has definitely made you cooler.
