Sunday, March 21, 2010


This weekend Kurt and I attended the new CrossFit Powerlifting Cert at Westside Barbell. If you are not familiar with Westside Barbell and Louie Simmons, they produce the strongest powerlifters in the world.
We walked in to watch some really strong guys lift. This is Luke Edwards doing 780# with blue bands:

Pretty sick stuff. I'll write more tomorrow about all the things that we did but, I think I've been bitten by the powerlifting bug. I mean seriously. I had fun with this stuff. Much different then what I thought I was doing a couple years back. Then, it felt I was doing the same things over and over, the gains were slow, and the training left my joints unhappy. The guys at Westside have the longevity thing in mind. Louie's methodology comes from years of being broken and repairing himself. The man broke his back twice and I watched him pull 600+ when we were there. These guys have some fun breaking big numbers. I'm really considering doing a powerlifting meet.
This is me taking an attempt at 365 banded in sumo stance. I pulled 315 but couldn't pull 365, but it was still awesome. The said the band tension was about 100# in the bottom and 200# in the top.

If I decide to do this, This means I have to start benching again. I at my heaviest (180#) and best, benched 330# and 315# x3. Thing is I don't really think it will be hard to get back there. I'd have to up my squat from a 375 to roughly about 500, and my 465 dead to a 550. I would compete at 165#. The records for meets at Westside 755 squat, 551 bench, 640 dead, 1865 total. Now, I would be no where near those numbers but I'm curious to see how I would do as an amateur. Now, I don;t know if I could ever give up CrossFit but if I do decide to give this a whirl am I going to give it what I got... hell yeah!

1 comment:

  1. This is what crossfit is all about right? being well rounded implementing new things, i saw go for it....I first saw one of those bands on crossfit santa clara website. what is the point of it though?
