Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sh*t happens


This was the beginning of my Friday morning a week ago. Nothing like a good accident at 5:50am to wake you up. I was so unbelievably pissed but the gal was so nice and apologetic it was hard to be mad. This would have been the first class that I have missed in two years of owning the box. Great thing is, Kerry was there to assistant coach and took control of the class. Awesome job on taking the initiative Kerry. So, I still have to get my car taken care of. It's a pain in the a$$ but sh*t happens. Good thing is no one was hurt.

I'm going to cram a bunch into this post. After cutting my finger and not being able to workout for a while sent me on a downward spiral of bad eating and not working out. It's funny how if I slip in one area, the wheels come off the bus. Finally, got back to training yesterday. I got my first 1000+ CrossFit Total. I wasn't really amped up, nor was I ready to go. It was more of guilt of watching the crew suffer that returned me under the bar...sad but true. I also wanted to see where my numbers were at before Kurt and I go to the CF Powerlifting Cert at Westside Barbell this coming weekend. So, didn't warm up anymore than a couple of reps under the bar. Turned up the anti-socials (iPod) and got to work. Squat (low bar,oly shoes) 135x3, 225, 275, 315, 345, 375PR, 385F I actually think I would have had a shot at the 385 if I knew I was going to be anywhere near that. Just tired myself out, Press 95x2, 135, 155, 175, 185PR, 190F Didn't expect that one either 190 actually got above eye level, but no dice. From there I mentally knew that 1000 was in reach and started to get a little nervous about the DLs. Last time I maxed I barely made 440, very far from my 455PR. 315, 365, 405, 445, 465PR I feel like I had a little left in me but decided to call it a day. 1025! 

Pretty proud of that one, but also really confused on how that happened with a crap diet and in the last 8-10 weeks I have not maxed out. I did max snatch at the Rogue Cert end of Jan, banded DLs at Brand X,  box squatted 3x times, and OHS heavy (225#) once earlier in the week. So is it the Westside style of assistance work? After the cert this weekend I'm going to be a guinea pig and see how it goes for about 4 months.

After the Total I weighed myself and I rang in at 168.2 A lot lighter than I thought I'd be so pretty happy with the Total numbers. This morning felt pretty damn stiff in the posterior chain. I'm really glad I stopped DLs where I did yesterday. To complete my benchmark I had to complete the 2k row. Took the "power 10" route and I think it worked really well for me. Not sure if it really helped my time but it at least gave me something else to think about. P10 (power 10) to start off, P10 at 1500m, P15 at 1000m (it was suppose to be a P20 but didn't have enough strength, actually I just wanted to stop there) P10 at 550m (was suppose to do it at 500m but I REALLY wanted to be done) sprinted out 250m. 7:29.6 PR!

As much as I would like to say my diet doesn't dictate my training, I know it does. My concern is I think while eating clean, I'm at a severe calorie deficit, so is it better to eat clean and not enough or to eat crap and get enough in. I know the answer and I know what I have to do but really don't want to admit it. All I can hear is: "You can't out train a bad diet."

1 comment:

  1. I felt terrible that you got into a car accident on Friday morning. Especially b/c when you didn't show, I didn't stop to think about why you weren't there, just that you weren't there which meant I needed to step in and coach instead of a-coach. Nothing like getting thrown into the pool to make you swim :)

    I am pretty much the same way - once one thing starts going awry it affects everything else... my diet has been a mess since Sectionals, my apartment is a disaster area, and I'm hella behind the eightball at work with more work than I can feasibly handle. But, I also hit PRs on the total and my 2krow, so at least we've got one thing workin' out for us!!

    Maybe you should consider adding grass-fed dairy back in if you're concerned about not getting enough calories in to stay where you want. The salt and sugar and gluten doesn't seem to serve any healthy purpose but dairy seems to help people keep weight on.
