Saturday, May 7, 2011

Coach's WOD

BDubs Masterpiece:

Teams of 2 only 1 person working at a time:
10 Muscle-ups
20 Handstand Push-ups
30 Overhead Squats (135/95)
40 Box Jumps (30")
50 Ground to Overhead (135/95)
60 MB Hand-off Sit-ups (20/14)
70 Burpees
80 Pull-ups
90 Deadlift (135/95)
100 Wall Balls (20/14)
200 Double-unders

I had Elisabeth as a teammate what a good sport. It's a good thing she's working on her eliteness!!!

Couldn't pull my weight in the pull-ups, DLs, and Wallballs. Funniest moment was when I handed the double-unders over at 3 complete, with 4 missed attempts! Ha ha! I did much better after I changed shoes.


  1. that wod looked brutal! I was impressed with your box jumps in weightlifting shoes!!

  2. That was so fun to do with you guys and all the other teams!
