Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas day

A little surprised on how beat up I was feeling from "Jackie" but first WOD in 4 days.


200m row 35.5s

CFE WOD 9:00 on the C2 2251m
Had a really hard time on this one because I'm good at pacing distance but not time. I hit the 8:00 at about 80% then hit the last minute as hard as possible. I could have started the sprint at -1:30

3x5 GHR (setting 7 on the GHD) 1:30 rest

3x5 Back ext (setting 15 on GHD) 1:30 rest

2x 20 pull ups (1st 20 regular kipping, second 12 butterfly 8 reg)

3 Rds 10 burpees, 20 sit ups, 30 dbl-unders 4:42 had some issues with the dbl-unders (I think my Buddy Lee is too short dammit!).

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