Saturday, July 2, 2011

A True Professional

I haven't blogged in a bit. I've been a little busy with the birth of my son Jackson. I'm so truly blessed. I haven't trained in a while but it has given me the opportunity to pick up on some continuing education and business things that I have been slacking on.

The 10,000 hour rule
It is said it takes 10,000 reps/hours of deliberate practice to be come a master at a skill. As much as I'd like to, I can't commit to 3 hours a day for the next 10 years to become a master at anything. So the least I can do as a true professional is to commit to learning something new everyday in my field.

Starting off I've recently been watching Charlie Weingroff's DVD Training=Rehab Rehab=Training. First, thoughts: this is one smart dude. Haven't even got through the first DVD and there are tons of things that I like. He breaks things down in a very down to earth simplistic, understandable way.

"Stability is the control of movement in the presence of change."
So simple, yet phenomenally great in terms of training.

We as coaches often think of the rotator cuff only as something that rotates the shoulder. The rotator cuff should more so be looked at as a dynamic stabilizer. Functionally the rotator is there to "compress the joint. It pulls the humeral head in and down into the glenoid fossa to create stability."

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