Sunday, January 1, 2012

DE Lower

Happy New Year!

Worked 40 minutes of mobility work
T spine extension w/roller and KB
scap soft tissue work 2 minutes per side
band w/ext rotation 2 minutes per side
IT bands 2 minutes
Piriformis on table 2 minutes

16" box squats 10x2 195w/orange bands

3x10 GH raises
3x15 Reverse-hyper @190
3x5 Hollow to slide

43:30 from 1st rep of speed squats to last set of abs.
(Trying to keep workouts under 40 minutes.)


  1. i've been watching matt do similar things and i'm curious to understand the mechanics behind this?

  2. Read up on Westside Barbell Methods. If you still have questions after you do some leg work I will answer them.
